weekly reflection 2

 Oh man, what a week. I really didn't plan out my hours well and I worked a few too many 8 hour shifts so I'll probably be a bit over the required hours but oh well. Aside from being pretty exhausted, it was a super cool week. I got to shadow a few different managers and really get a more behind the scenes look at the whole operation. I personally think that I've seen a good amount of the background operations but when I remarked such to a room of managers, I was greeted with a slight chuckle, almost to say "what a fool". It's all laughs with this great group of managers and I'm really grateful that they let me shadow a few of them. On gameday's, the DeAngleo's will always be in the store during the game and they are super cool, talking with the staff and helping out on registers and it's super cool to see the owners pitching in. I was hoping to be able to shadow one of them when they were in but it didn't work out. 

As I said in my last reflection, I feel like I'm learning so much about the business and it's super cool to see how much work goes in behind the scenes. It's nonstop work for manager Maggie who is in charge of placing resupply orders for the store. It's important to remember that the quantity of product being processed through the warehouse is enough for a plentiful stock in the warehouse, the main '47 store, and another 6 satellite locations throughout the park. It only really makes sense when you walk upstairs to the warehouse and see the sheer crazy number of boxes everywhere. I've been able to learn and become familiar with how the warehouse works, how everything is laid out, and the steps they go through to process each shipment of products. 

Since this internship is under the career advancement section, I've been making sure to make mental notes of what roles I could see myself in and the one that stands out to me the most is Ima's job. Ima is the head of the warehouse and he knows everything about anything upstairs. Seeing the process of how they handle a massive shipment, the process it takes to ensure everything that was ordered arrived and inputting into the system the total quantities of everything in the warehouse. This is the type of work I really enjoy because you can really just put your airpods in, (or in Ima's case, blast music through the speakers) and grind away. I hope to work more with Ima in the future because he's a really cool guy on top of the fact that he is INCREDIBLY good at his job. 


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