senior project 10

 hours 6

total 72

We are slowly getting towards the end of the senior project and I have officially passed the 70 hour mark! Today we only worked 6 hours and it was pretty slow today. A really gross rainy day out meant the tours of Fenway Park were pretty light on numbers and the store was very quiet. Days like these call for a full store run through. Everyone who is working will be assigned an area of the store, (men's, womens, kids, hats, novelties) and is responsible for making sure everything is in the right spot and put away correctly. This often leads to heaps of product up at the front that is either in the wrong spot or was put on the wrong type of hangars. Believe it or not, one of the most important things in the store are the different types of hangars. In some cases, a specific hangar is used for clothing to identify it more easily, and some, like Nike hangars, are mandatory in the contracts the store holds with those companies. (This also applies to any Vineyard Vines product) Often times this is a multi day job and this time was no different. We have loads more of this to do tomorrow.


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